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Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

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Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

Post by GMO »


* Watering – to add water and/or fertiliser.

* Light schedule – 24hr day broken down into a light/dark period. Typically 12/12, 18/6, 20/4 or 24/0.

* Medium – soil, cocoa coir/coco or hydroponics.

* Pistils – Hairs that develop from calyx.

* Calyx – A cup or bowl shaped petal of flower.

* Trichome – Typically shortened to Trich, these are the pyramid shaped glands on the plants surface (in higher concentration on calyx and sugar leaves) that produce cannabinoids. These require magnification of 50x plus for clear identification.

* Sugar leaves – Leaves that form within the bud structure alongside calyx.

* Aeration – the typically volume of air : water : medium ratio of a given medium i.e. cocoa coir has 70% aeration property at full drench.

* Chlorosis - Yellowing or discolouration of plants leaves.

* Foliage – The leaves of the plant.

* Foliar – To apply to the plant leaves.

* Defoliate – To remove plant leaves. Typically to allow lower growth tips direct light.

* Germinate – To begin the growth process from seed ; Typically, glass of water, wet paper towel or directly into medium.

* Pests – Anything/anyone who annoys the gardener or affect plant health or growth rates.

* Aphids – Small sap sucking, typically affect foliage.

* Beneficial/Bennys – Insects and microbes that improve soil and/or attack Pests i.e. ladybirds and benny nematodes.

* Acclimatise – Adjusting a plant to different conditions i.e. change of lighting or after potting up.

* Bud Rot – a mould which forms in RH higher than 60% within bud mass Typically has a damp smell and appears as of colouring.

* Root Rot – when roots are damp or overly wet through the medium leading to a slimy root mass which will die off relatively quickly.

* Cotyledon – The embryonic leaf which form with rounded edges once seed husk has been removed from newly germinated seeds.

* Growth Tip – Area where new growth occurs i.e. a topped plant will develop 2 growth tips in place of the original 1.

* Endocannabinoid system - Is the system in your body that responds to cannabinoids. These are the receptors that cannabis work with.

• Taproot – the first part of a new plant to emerge from the seed shell during germination. This becomes the main life line of the plant until mid-late veg.

Life Cycle

* Mother/Mum – A plant kept in perpetual veg which is used to harvest clones.

* Seedling – The earliest growth stage and potentially the most difficult for beginners. At this stage the young plant still has it cotyledon, very few or no true leave and is in its most delicate state.

* Veg – The vegetative stage of the plant life cycle in which a plant requires higher quantity of blue light and develops is bas structure.

* Flower –The blooming period and the phase where plants produce their flower sets otherwise known as crowns or pom-poms. Later in this stage true bud structure forms and in the latest stages calyx swelling and trich colour change occurs.

* Harvest/Crop/Chop – To gather the fruits of your labour. There are many methods to this step in the process including wet trim, dry trim, full plant hang and many others.


* Topping – To remove growth tip above the previous internode to encourage split growth and the formation of 2 tips in place of the original 1.

* Fiming – To remove the top growth tip at the tip of the tip to encourage a 4 way split of the original growth tip.

* Scrog/Screen of Green – This training techniques involves the use of a net or screen to allow a or several plants to be trained into a wall to wall canopy by pulling through and training to create large even canopy.

* Super Cropping - crushing and bending a stem, the plant will work harder to heal. This results in more energy being directed to this stem, generating larger flowers.

* LST/Low Stress Training - by bending stems and tying them down. This way, lower branches catch more light and can produce colas as well.


* Setup – List of lighting, fans, filters, grow space, medium and nute line.

* Temps – Max High and low Temperatures.

* EC – electric conductivity.

* pH - logarithmic scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution.

* DWC – Deep water culture; a form of Hydroponics.

* NFT – Nutrient Film Technique ; a form of Hydroponics.

* Aquaponics – Growing plants using nitrogen cycle established with aquatic life forms.

* Dripper system – a form of auto feed system that released a regular flow of water/feed.

* Auto-feed – a system setup to water/feed at regular intervals without manual intervention.

* Hand feeding – Typically watering/feeding from a watering can or jug by hand.

* Bottom feeding – to fill a drip/run-off tray and allow the medium to absorb upwards (typically only recommended of young plants or close).

* Top feeding – To water the top of the medium and allow the water/feed to run though the medium.

* Run-off – The solution which flows from medium during or after watering/feeding; Typically in coco a volume of 1/3 volume run-off is a standard feeding volume to clear build up of salts in the medium.


* HID – High Intensity Diode ie HPS or MH.

* HPS – High pressure sodium.

* MH – Metal halide.

* LED – Light emitting diode.

* LEP – Light emitting plasma.

* CMH – Ceramic Metal Halide.

* CFL – Compact Fluorescent Light/lamp * Fluorescent Tubes - is a low-pressure mercury-vapour gas-discharge lamp that uses fluorescence to produce visible light.


* Nutes – Base Nutrients, Fertilisers, fertiliser brand.

* N-P-K – Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous. The 3 main elements of all Nutrients.

* Additives/Boosters – Products aimed at resolving deficiency issues or encouraging faster growth above and beyond base nutrients.

* Deficiency – A lack or imbalance of key nutrients.

* Toxicity – An abundance or overfed of key nutrients.

* Fed – Fertilisers, ratio of fertilisers. Typically given at ml per litre or in E.C.

* Irrigation – typically used in conjunction with auto feed systems to clarify water volume being used.

* Leach/Flush – To wash out any remaining or overfeed of nutrients in a medium, Typically recommended at 3 times the volume of the container being leached/flushed i.e. 20, pot would want 60l water to leach/flush.

* Chelation – The bonding or organic compounds and metals typically used in nutes to keep metals bio-available for plant uptake.

* Desiccate – Cause to dry up or remove moisture.

* Fungicides – Compound used to prevent the spread of fungi in garden or crops.

* Hot Soil – A soil that is Nutrient heavy and may have adverse affects to a plants health.

* Nute Burn – Yellowing leaf tips typically due to over fed or hot soil please ref to toxicity.

* Micro nutrients - iron, boron, molybdenum, calcium, sulphur, and zinc. These are required for normal plant health and growth.

* Organic - Refers to something derived from living organisms and is made up of carbon-based compounds. It is also a general term used for a type of gardening using no chemical or synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. This term does mean different thing to different growers.

* Topdressing - Applying fertilizers or some kind of soil amendment after seeding, transplanting or once the crop has been established.

* Vermicomposting - The use of red worms to convert food scraps or other organic materials into worm castings.

* Worm casting - The digested organic waste of red worms. Gardeners consider them the most nutrient dense organic compost available.

* Amendments – Material added to a medium for the purpose of improvement.

* Salt build up/Lock-out – When feeding with chemical/salt base fertilisers an over abundance of nutrient salts can gather in the medium resulting in a white layer of crystals forming and or damage to the plants roots and difficulties with nutrient uptake.


* Genotype – the genetic identification of a cannabis plant.

* Phenotype - an observable characteristics or traits.

* Cutting/clone – A method or propagation in which a growth shoot is removed from a donor plant and is placed into a growing medium in order to produce a new plant. A vegetative method of plant propagation whereby a piece of plant leaf, stem, root or bud is cut from a parent plant. It is then inserted into a growing medium to form roots, thus developing a new plant.

* Feminised – A genome that has been specifically breed to produce only female plant, typically achieved by reverting a female plant to male and crossing this with another female to create a majority female genome.

* Autoflower – A plant with ruderalis genetic traits meaning the entire plants life cycle could be complete in as little as 10 weeks without reducing lighting to 12/12.

* Photoperiod – A plant which requires a change in light cycle to stimulate the change from growth stage to bloom. This is achieved by reducing light schedule to 12/12

* Rodelization - is a method used to breed female seeds. By stressing the female plant into growing her own pollen sacs, chances are much higher that she will create female seeds. This is the most natural (but also most risky) method of feminizing.

* Colloidal silver - is used when breeding seeds. It aims to increase the probability of female seeds. This method involves spraying a mixture of distilled water and pure silver on female plants which binds within the plant cell making male flowers which are genetically female.

Extracts, concentrates and by products

* Extraction/Concentrate – to isolate and harvest cannabinoids, terpenes and other cannabis compounds through the use of solvents or heat and pressure.

* BHO – Butane hash Extraction, a method of extraction using butane to isolate cannabinoids.

* RSO – Risk Simpson Oil, a method of extraction which involves isolating cannabinoids using an alcohol based solvent which is then evaporated off to leave a concentrated cannabis oil.

* Distillate - Distillation is a method to refine products to a concentrated, potent substance. This oil is typically used to make products that include vape cartridges and oils.

* Dab - A waxy concentrate that you heat and vaporize. These have very high THC levels - anywhere from 30% to 90+%

* Decarboxylate - A process of baking cannabis at low heat to “activate” the THC and make it absorbable by your body. Typical decarb last for 110 mins at a temp of 110c.


* CBD - Cannabidiol. This is a cannabinoid for those on the medical tip. CBD has therapeutic and medical benefits but with none of the buzz. It has been shown to help with pain, high blood sugar, nausea, convulsions, inflammation, cancer, psoriasis, psychosis, anxiety, bone growth, and more. Taken with THC in the same dose, CBD can act as an excellent pain reliever.

* CBG- Cannabigerol. This is a cannabinoid that is found minimally in cannabis, but is showing that it can slow bacterial growth, reduce inflammation, and promote bone growth. While research is limited, the benefits look promising.

* CBN - Cannabinol. CBN is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is anti-insomnia, pain relieving, sedative, and known to have the same effects as Diazepam. There is a lot of excitement surrounding CBN research.

* THC - Tetrahydrocannabidinol: the active ingredient in cannabis, giving it its narcotic and psychoactive effects.
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Re: Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

Post by Smokey »

Excellent work GMO Really informative and impressive mate. Thank you

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Re: Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

Post by Nanook »

Really good post for new growers ( and some old ones haha ) Thanks GMO :)
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Re: Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

Post by Keeno »

Very nice work GMO.

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Re: Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

Post by Redz Medz »

ideal, good to have at hand thanks 👍👍

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Re: Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

Post by GMO »

im gonna give this lil info source a lil bump for any of the new guys who may have missed it

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Re: Canna Encyclopedia - Jargon buster

Post by Mini-G-Star »

Thanks for this GMO, good info for newbies like me.
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