Root Problems

Root Problems
Leaf Colour:
Edges Appear Brown or Burnt
Pale Colour Leaves
Yellow Leaves - New Growth
Yellow Leaves - Lower, older leaves
Yellowing Between Veins
Veins of Leaves Stay Green
Red or Pink Colour on Leaves
Brown or Dark Spots

Leaf Symptoms:
Yellowing Between Veins
Veins of Leaves Stay Green
Old Leaves Dropping Off
Slow Growth
Abnormal Growth
Leaves Curl Under
Leaves Curl Upwards
Wilting / Drooping

Plant Symptoms:
Old Leaves Dropping Off
Slow Growth
Twisted Growth
Leaves Curl Under
Leaves Curl Upwards
Plant Wilting / Drooping

Root Symptoms:
Slow Growing
Are tips/edges of leaves brown or burnt?: Yes
Spots on Leaves?: Yes

Cannabis Plants With Root Problems Show Many Symptoms

Cannabis may appear overwatered or droopy

Curling or cupping of leaves

Wilting - either individual stems wilt or the whole plant may wilt

Slow growth, or staying very small for weeks

Leaf yellowing, or sometimes even other colours like purple or red

Brown spots / Burnt spots

Other strange nutrient problems

Brown or slimy roots - this is often a sign of root rot

Smelly run-off water (smells rotting or musty)

Leaves may start dying and falling off rapidly

Plants drink much less water than usual
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GR420 Leg End
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Root Problems

Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:11 pm
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